Belajar bAcA lagi,hes!

A man who came to my lifE in paSt has newGF,,OMG!playboy jg ternyata dia.. Tp gw bCnya sms dr dy loM punya paCar,, jd saLah bCa gtU.. N stelah gw cek lagi trnyata 'iya,ak udh punya'.. Waduh! Padahal ak dh bLs 'msi ada sisa2 dr ak dunk'

2:29 AM

as we stand at the edge of the world

God.. I'm scared

Aku senang dEntikan hujan
tapi sekaligus takut
kalau hujan datang
pada saat gelap
diserta halilintar
diikut kilat

God I wish that everything is goNna be okay,, no terrible things of olov things around me n my family...

im so scared
this time
this night
save me
keep me in Your arms

dEep insidE
i still feel scared...


9:10 PM

as we stand at the edge of the world

I visited granpa.. MyGod, it was so terrible.. My tears nearly to falling when my aunt came n granpa was cry.. At hospital I didnt have 'friend' my cousin didnt come.. Just shake hand n smile 4 stanger people that I never know.. I couldnt lie, it was bore.. it nO matter actUally,, but my mam told me to go home.. N i went to hoMe...

Dia ga bisa bicara cuma ah uh eh... Dia tidak bisa menganti bju sendiri... Dia ga bisa ngenalin orang satu persatU, terkadang sm cucu2nya saja dia tdk paham... Aku tau pasti disini(hati) rasanya tUh sebel bgt n ky mu nangis aja..
Yeah I undErstand of You GOD! 'From a baby come back like a baby'
n i think all of people have a hard time...
Tuhan punya ratusan ribu cara untuk mencoba manusia agar Dia bs beDain orang munafik dan orang taat...

Huaaa i cant imagine if I were you,grandpa...


2:22 PM

as we stand at the edge of the world

No word to say except...

Mereka datang tak disangka
soRe ini
mendung tapi tak kunjung hujan
berbaju nightmare
rambut kusut

BegitU mereka manggilku
Sosok tak asing

sampai sat ini
walau sekian waktU
tak bertatap
tapi pembicaraanya tetap renyah
dan serame suporter sepak bola

Tak ada kata lagi


4:51 PM

as we stand at the edge of the world

About oldman,,but stiL StiL read the holy Qur'an...

He's my grandpa,, bout <90yearsold.. Now, he is sick... Memang penyakit orang tUa namun hati ni trasa ga rela, dia yg renta harus dicoba lagi, terkulai tak berdaya di rumah sakit...

my mOm tell me that..
Mbah itU tadi minta makan truZ dikasiH makan n ditengah2 makan tiba2 sendoknya jatUh dan tangan mbah ga bisa digerakin... Alhamdulilah ada tetangga yg bisa menOLoNg hingga tangannya bisa digerakan lagi.. Alhamdulilah dan smOga ga sampe Stroke...

Early in dmOrning, there's badnews.. They tell my mOm that hospital rightnOw...

This TimE in BOring HOUR at schooL
I cant coNtrol my mind. I cant stop think aBout grandpa. Althought nOt so near with him buT i love him so much...

I just can pray n pray at time... Please, God..whatever YOU give please2 give him the Best...


12:46 PM

as we stand at the edge of the world

Lebaran sih tapi...

Beberapa hari ga ngeBLog soalnya...yah pke ditanya lagi,, ya lebaran bu! Ak tau ini hari adalah lebaran tapi mungkin ak telah melakukan salah AGAIN&again...menyakiti hati again&again... Dan hal hal sebangsa itu yg pastinya menyebalkan...

I think bout this...
What d mean of friend?? Maybe in dpass i got it bat...recently, i doubt bout realfriend.. I just think dat they jaz exploit me!! Ok, gak semua ak gak ngebicarain km loh Ris,ut,dan laennya, kL elu2 si BestFriends!this is bout The Annoy one... All bout annoying things of them...

Percayalah nemuin realfriend tuh sulit sekali! Ak rindu tmanku yg itu.. Yg sm2 suka bola, harpot, &mencari jawaban bersama bukan ketergantungan satu sm lain tapi saling mengajarkan apa apa yg belum bisa.. In this period, ak belom dapet teman kaya dia... Bat, i must still alive, look 4 the futUre nOt the past...
Hestichan Ganbatte caiyo!!


5:47 AM

as we stand at the edge of the world